My Story

Hello World

I feel this is the beginning of many new things to come……a new journey for me towards social change…….positive change…… it starts here!


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My family…My mother and father Italian and Greek arrive in Canada from Egypt in 64. I was 2 years old. My childhood memories were experiences of nostalgic events of love, dressed with domestic violence… I lived with an unyielding fear of the unknown.

Both parents worked hard around the clock. They managed to provide memories of good times with nature, camping, fishing, ocean sides and delicious meals for they both were great cooks.  My father showed me ways to improvise for he was a great handyman with golden hands-there was nothing he couldn’t fix, build or invent. I stood by his side and observed his ways. My beautiful mother showed me compassion, affection, literature and has always had an incredible belief in me, believed that I could accomplish anything my heart desire in my life. My mother became my best friend. However, the anger my parents held between them was enough to give me and my younger brother a fright that managed to make its way into our dreams including our day dreams.

I loved my father but feared him and could not understand why he was so violent towards my mother and brother…yet his Spartan hands and fierce shouts were never aimed at me- I was spared. I loved my mother and could not understand why this was happening, but I did comprehend that free will was beyond her reach. Shared moments of perpetual dreams were our means of survival.  At last, the twenty year love/hate marriage ceased, followed by an exhausted tearful bittersweet divorce. We were free ….free to be, sovereignty was within reach.

Before long I was on my own, but it didn’t take long for me to fall into a similar world I experienced for the first 20 years of my life, it was inevitable; my understanding of love led me to a preordained marriage, one of oppression and dominance. And so the cycle repeated, my conception of love trapped in endless hopeful prayers of change. After 16 years, I reached my sovereignty. It was a mutual decision….but not bittersweet. We went our separate ways and I experienced freedom once again.  It was finally my time, a time of liberty….a new found experience of autonomy. I held my head up to the sky and kissed the rays of sunshine that streamed across my face. With my precious daughters by my side, I wondered just how much freedom is there to obtain.

A new world.

I contemplated how much of myself do I need to repair and how am I going to do that? I tore myself apart contemplating where to apply myself. Why was it so complicated to decide my path-my vocation?   How am I going to give my all? I wanted to cure, heal, save, lead, nurture. I wanted to make a difference….. In many aspects of life.

My spirit led me through a series of education, explorations and meditations. I came across many influential uplifting and empowering literature on the manifestation of our souls, the power within and developed an awareness that we are born in to this world with the intention to be happy……it’s our right…… Imagine that!  I boldly entered where no Eva has gone before.  I trusted that if I visualize and listen to my inner being, I can then manifest my future.

Visualize, visualize….believe!

My heart led the way to my committed work of service to others where I truly feel I am making a difference such as my dream job at Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House. . Empowering women, growing community, securing food and building relationships are the many areas that resonate with me and now practice. I am blessed to work with such incredible and amazing women in my life for their mentorship, wisdom and perseverance cultivated a strong belief in positive change in me. Especially my mother, she found her calling in education and influenced me to find my way.

I now have a strong belief in the power of our minds to envision and manifest our dreams and desires to reality. I stand by the law of attraction, in attracting positive change, we just have to believe it-know it and practice it. Yes, we can attract what we want in our lives.

There are many authors that write such profound and inspirational books like Deepak Chopra “Secret Book” and Dr Wayne Dyer, an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth has fantastic insights on this subject on his blog

There are many more authors, books, literature that speak of positive change. My vision is to share with you my experiences and insights I have received as I continue to  learn from them and life and all the people in my path.

I am inspired to be a facilitator of positive change.

Welcome to share your experiences!

May your voice be strong and echo through the hearts of all.

May you achieve all you aspire to be.

Because if I can do it so can you…… I believe in you too.

Please view my digital story on personal change-my first attempt to movie making on social change

March 8th 2015 International Women’s Day

6 Replies to “My Story”

  1. Oh Eva! Your words are beautiful. They have resonated deeply with me and truly touched a chord. Your story is so brave and inspirational. To trust yourself enough to take a leap of faith… sometimes that is all it takes. A lot in this life we live what we learn and enacting lasting positive change and becoming the architects of our lives has a magic and beauty in it that is powerful and joyful and real. I am so excited to see your blog grow and to read more of your wonderful words. Thank you so much for sharing your life’s journey with us all. 🙂


    1. Thank you Kyra
      My leap of faith comes from those that have faith in me.
      Its beautiful spirited people like you Kyra that grows the connection. You are an inspiration☺


  2. This is so beautiful! Eva bella! Please continue your journey… Where you walk we will be walking. A common journey of discovery, wisdom, healing. Much love!


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