Listen with your Heart

It’s our heart that knows, our heart leads us to happiness. For some of us it takes time, to understand or comprehend what happiness really means.

For me? Well I had no idea how much happiness there was to experience. Through each stage of my life’s journey I thought to my self with contentment ” this is as good as it gets, I’m okay with what I have…..what more can I ask for” “I love my life” But my heart tagged at my senses,  gravitated to more…wanting more, maybe it was seeking ways to sustain the feeling of happiness.
Yet, listening to my heart was sometimes painful… costing grievance for others, but my heart was calling out to me so strongly I really had no choice but to follow.
It led me through a series of unknown mysterious paths but each one offered me a resting spot especially when times were challenging.
I’m here now.
I’m just where I want to be and cannot comprehend being more happy then I am now. So that means there may be more that lay a head? And what am I going to do about it? My only answer is I’m going to have to follow it… and prepare for the witnessing of tears, mine and yours. The quest for happiness isn’t always easy but it is attainable. Just listen to your heart and it will lead you, I promise-it loves you.

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